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Bicuspid Aortic Foundation

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While some forms of TAD have special physical features, generally those with BAV and familial TAD do not. There are other reasons for TAD that are not based on genetics at all, such as injury or chronic hypertension.
Thoracic Aortic Disease (TAD) - Who is at Risk? Known Risk Factors Several factors have been shown to cause thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. Knowing these risk factors is important, because they are clues that can lead to early detection of aortic disease. The following are underlying factors that may result in the development of thoracic aortic aneurysm, dissection, or both: • Bicuspid aortic valve familial thoracic aortic disease • Other identified connective tissue disorders (Ehlers-Danlos, Loeys-Dietz, Marfan, Turner, Williams syndromes, etc.) • Other unspecified familial and connective tissue disorders (Familial TAD) • Hypertension • High blood pressure during heavy weight lifting or other strenuous activity • Atherosclerosis • Smoking • Infectious and inflammatory conditions (Takayasu's aortitis, giant cell arteritis, rheumatoid aortitis, syphilitic aortitis) • Injury Injury and infection more commonly can cause pseudoaneurysm formation. A pseudoaneurysm is different from an actual aneurysm because there is a break in the aortic wall, and the support from neighboring structures prevents free rupture. Any medicine that exacerbates mild hypertension (such as those used as an appetite suppressant) can result in full hypertension. These types of medication are strongly discouraged for anyone with aortic disease and if used, careful supervision is needed. In addition, using crack cocaine may result in thoracic aortic dissection. Cocaine usage can raise blood pressure to very high levels, and in some people has caused tearing of the aortic wall.